Saturday, June 27, 2009

Jungle Trekking

It was raining in the afternoon of Friday. I felt so happy because jungle trekking might be canceled. Sadly, after half an hour, weather turned to sunny!! There are many twigs and leaves. We stepped on mud and some of us slipped at ramps. Assistant coach told us there are some dogs in the jungle and so we ran as fast as we can. My left hand was injured.

After the class dismissed, Kuan Kee, Sun and I went to Jusco to look for something. Unfortunately, that is not for sale.

We headed to Maulana afterwards. Actually Maggie goreng is pretty delicious. I think my last time to eat Maggie goreng was during CNY. After chat for a while, Kiet reached. He suggested to make an photo album of us. He seemed to be very excited. Somehow he likes to take photo.

We got back at about 12am.

**Kiet's birthday is coming soon. Can we just give you angpau and greeting card? HAHAHAHA


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