Saturday, June 20, 2009

Homeworks, Assignments, Tests

Effing tired after attend class of gym workout. Coach is so crazy, he wants us to run in jungle which located behind of TARC during next class. Sigh...

Tonnes of tutorial questions are waiting for me now, two assignments + tests which start from next week + speaking skills test on next Tuesday and also revision. All things come together. Oh my god, college life is not as easy and free as what I imagined.

Gathered with friends at station one last night. What we did? Talked about nonsense only. 'Da Lao Ban' was so cool yesterday. We wish to buy a XXX with XXX of us to Kiet [I'm not going to mention what are we going to buy because I know Kiet will read my blog xD].

After reached home, I straight got bed because I was exhausted but unluckily, I was awoke by an incoming call!!! Tired....


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