Monday, May 25, 2009


I had no class today. After woke up and got everything to be done, I followed my mum to Public Bank to open an account for PTPTN loan.

Lot of people at bank today. I worried that I can't open an account because I thought my identification card was spoiled, just like my brother, Cheah and my cousin. No information in the identification card. Totally blank. Luckily, mine is still in good condition. Everything was got through successfully. However, I'm 17 years old only, so I need signature of mother to apply for ATM card. Hope tomorrow is 24th of December, so that I can be 18 years old !!!!

After settled this, we off to CIMB bank to open SSPN account which is compulsory for every student who want to apply for PTPTN loan. Again, because I'm 17 years old only, and so I need my parent's signature. After coped with all this, 2 hours were gone.

I received call from Kuan Kee and was being told that they got lost !! My godness.... but finally they got home.

Sun experienced a sharp pain of stomach when she was at school. She endured the pang and tried her best to drive to home. She was getting better after this. What a pity~~


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