Sunday, May 31, 2009

Heaven Of Italy Cuisine

Kuo Toong dated Cheah to shop at Midvalley yesterday. Three of us were so free and so, we went to Gardens too. We were so so so hungry. After reached Gardens, we chose to dine at Italiannies. The restaurant is spacious. Ambience is not bad. Interior of the restaurant gave me a Barcelona feel. Something in the restaurant made me felt queer --> dressing of staffs. Uniform of 2 staffs is dress. Dress!? Ya, you are right, is something like prom dress. Some of the staffs wear formal outfit + apron while others are black formal outfit without apron.

After got our seats, we read menu. While we were reading the menu, we were served bread with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I didn't try this food but Sun said it tasted nice. We ordered two sphagetti and one mushroom soup. Seriously, three of us were being startled after the sphagetti served. Both of them were in big portion!!! Very big portion!! How could we finished it? We didn't finish it lastly. I love Classic Carbonara very much. It was sinfully with cheese, lot of cheese!!! It was so delicious. I'm sure all of you will love it. Mushroom soup was very nice too. Hmmm, the salmon sphagetti was not bad too but I prefer Classic Carbonara. Sun ordered a cocktail. It is a mixture of fruits and red wine.

After billed, we shopped at Gardens. Isetan was fulled with people because of sale. We saw a cute purse at Sembonia counter. Guess how much is it? It is only RM45 after 70% discount!! Lot of ladies choosing bag, shoes, fragrances, cosmetics and etc. Isetan looked so messy, like pasar malam. After this, we walked to Midvalley to meet Cheah and Kuo Toong. On the way, we passed by PDI. Sun bought a short. After met them, we hung around and Kuo Toong said he was very hungry and he wanted to dine at Italiannies too. So, we had dinner at Italiannies again. Swt...

Italinnies was full house during dinner session. We ordered pizza, sphagetti and 4 cocktails. Kuo Toong seemed like the bread served with olive oil and balsamic vinegar so much, he ate non-stop. Maybe he was too hungry xD. Kuan Kee's face became so red after drink the cocktail. Cocktail that she ordered was mixture of peach liquer and soda only but she seemed got drunk!! After we finished the meal and chit-chat for a while, we got back.

**Italiannies is a good restaurant to dine. Get a try!! You will never regret.


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